Club Constitution


Rules amended and approved by resolution of the General Meeting convened on 5 March 2023.

  1. Name and Objectives

The Club, founded in 1912, shall be named “The Avenue Lawn Tennis Club” and shall have the objectives of providing lawn tennis, social and other facilities for the Members and Visitors.

Persons of either sex are eligible for full membership of the Club, provided they are at least 18 years old. No person shall be denied membership of the Club or prevented from visiting the Club on the grounds of race, ethnic origin, creed, colour, age, disability, sex, gender, occupation, sexual orientation, religion, political or other beliefs.

2. Constitution

The Club is constituted by these Rules (the “Rules” or “Constitution”) as a non-profit making Members’ Club. In no circumstances during the continuance of the Club, nor at its dissolution or after, shall any assets or surplus funds be distributed to any Member or other person, nor to any organisation which is not itself either constituted as non-profit making or a charity.

    3. Affiliation

    The Club shall seek affiliation to the Lawn Tennis Association through the appropriate County lawn tennis association and shall adopt and conform to the rules of these organisations in so far as they can apply.

      4. Management

      • Management of the Club shall be in the entire control of the Management Committee, which shall consist of at least ten Officers . The Officers of the Club shall be the President, Chairman, Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer, Men’s and Ladies’ Captains, Match Secretary, Membership Secretary and at least two other Members who shall be Officers without portfolio.   Additional Officer roles may be created by the Management Committee and recorded in the byelaws. All Officers shall be members of the Management Committee and shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting to serve for one calendar year, with the exception of the President who shall serve a term of three years. The Management Committee shall have the power to fill any casual vacancy. There shall be seven members in attendance at Management Committee meetings to form a quorum.

      • The Management Committee shall have the authority to enforce the Rules and also shall be empowered to revise, draft and introduce any byelaws which are deemed necessary for the proper working of the Club and well-being of the Members.

      • The Management Committee shall act for the Club in all financial matters. The Management Committee shall have the power to authorise Officers of the Club to enter into all financial undertakings, contracts for supply, loan agreements and any other legally binding commitments which are necessary for the operation and furtherance of the Club. The Management Committee shall have the power to determine any matter not provided for by the Rules and the current Byelaws.

      • The Management Committee may delegate any part of its duties to one or more sub-committees, which may be composed of Officers and Members of the Club.

      • The Bar Sub-Committee, which shall be appointed by the Management Committee, shall consist of at least four and no more than eight members, of whom at least three shall also be serving members of the Management Committee. The operation of the Bar shall be governed by Rule 8 hereunder.

      • Members shall be entitled to raise any matter for discussion at the next scheduled Management Committee meeting, provided that the question to be raised has been forwarded in writing to the Honorary Secretary seven days prior to the date of the Committee meeting.

      • Management Committee decisions shall be made by a simple majority vote with the Chairman exercising a second  (casting) vote in the event of equality. In the absence of the Chairman from any meeting of the Management Committee, the Chairman shall nominate or alternatively the Management Committee shall elect another Officer to fulfil the role of Chair of the meeting, and to exercise a casting vote in the event of equality of votes, for the duration of the Chairman’s absence. All transactions shall be subject to the requirement for a quorum.

      • The Management Committee has the power to authorise the Honorary Treasurer to set up a Business Internet Banking Service with the Club’s bankers and become the Primary User for that service. Once that authority is granted, the Honorary Treasurer can have full and sole access on behalf of the Club to all the functions of the relevant Business Internet Banking Service including making payments and entering into agreements on behalf of the Club relating to services, products and other matters with the bank concerned.

      The Management Committee has the power to grant the Honorary Treasurer the authority to make payments up to a maximum of £5,000 per day from the Club’s business bank account without reference to any other committee member. Any payments above this amount will require the express written authorisation in advance of the Chairman of the Management Committee.

      Any individual payment above £1,000 will require the prior written authorisation including by e-mail from either the Chairman or Secretary of the Management Committee.

      The decision to grant, amend or withdraw the terms of this authority to the Honorary Treasurer will be subject to a simple majority vote at a Management Committee meeting in accordance with Rule 4g.

      Classes of Member and Subscription Rates

      • The Management Committee shall put forward for approval at the Annual General Meeting any changes or revisions to the classes of Membership and/or the appropriate rates of subscription and joining fees.

      • The Club subscription shall be inclusive of the LTA Player’s Contribution which shall be payable by the Club to the County LTA.

      • Payment of the appropriate Club subscription shall entitle the Member to enter the Club Annual Tournament(s) subject to compliance with any other rules, byelaws or conditions which may apply.

      • The subscription and playing year shall run from 1st April until 31st March. Subscriptions for all classes of Membership shall be due for payment on the 1st April. New members who join the Club after the 1st April may be charged a proportion of the annual subscription, in addition to the appropriate joining fee, as determined by the Management Committee and set out in the byelaws.

      • The Management Committee at their discretion shall have the power to allow a discount on all or any classes of subscription paid prior to 1st April.

      • A Member whose subscription is not paid in full on the 1st April will not be entitled to any of the privileges of Membership and will cease to be a Member of the Club. Subject to the discretion of the Management Committee, a Member may be re-admitted upon payment of all arrears.

      • The Club requires all Members and visitors to wear appropriate tennis clothing (coloured tennis clothing allowed), and suitable tennis footwear when using the Club’s playing facilities.

      Admission of Members

      • Honorary Life Membership shall be awarded at the discretion of the Management Committee to long serving Members by way of a reward for special services to the Club.

      • For other classes of senior Membership, applications initially shall be made through the Membership Secretary using the appropriate form provided. In the event of over-subscription, the Membership Secretary shall maintain a waiting list of applicants. The Management Committee shall have ultimate discretion in respect of the admission of applicants .

      • Applications for junior Membership shall be determined by common agreement between the  Officer responsible for co-ordinating the junior section and one other Officer as directed by the Management Committee.

      • A new Member’s subscription and joining fee if applicable, shall be due for payment on notification by the Membership Secretary of their membership application being successful. New Members shall not be entitled to exercise the privileges of Membership until all fees and subscriptions are paid in full.

      • At the discretion of the Management Committee, a refund may be made to a Member who becomes unable to use the facilities of the Club for a substantial part of the year due to injury, illness, or departure from the district.

      • The Management Committee shall have the power to limit the number of members in the respective classes.

      • Without prejudice to Clause 6h, the payment of any joining fee shall be once and for all. There shall be no liability to pay an additional joining fee after membership has lapsed and a past member seeks re-admission.
      • Notwithstanding Clause 6g, a former member seeking re-admission after a period of non-membership of 5 years or more may, at the discretion of the Management Committee, be liable to pay a joining fee upon re-admission.

      Suspension and Expulsion

      The Management Committee shall have power to suspend or terminate the Membership of any Member, or to exclude any Member or Visitor, whom it considers guilty of a breach of these Rules or of misconduct, or offensive behaviour to any other member, Visitor or Employee, whether on the Club’s premises or elsewhere.

      Operation of Club Bar

      • The operation of the Bar at all times shall be subject to the Licensing Laws and the direction of the Licensing Authority.
      • The permitted hours for the sale of alcohol shall be:

      Monday to Saturday                                               11 a.m. to 11 p.m.

      Sunday, Christmas Day and Good Friday             12 noon to 10.30 p.m.

      • The Management Committee shall appoint a Bar Sub-Committee, which shall be responsible for the proper running of the Bar.
      • Each member of the Bar Sub-Committee shall be an authorised key holder. In addition the Management Committee may appoint a limited number of Members as key holders, who shall not serve as Bar Sub-Committee members.
      • Only members of the Bar Sub-Committee and the additional appointed key holders shall be permitted to enter the area behind the Bar.
      • No other persons shall be allowed to enter the area behind the Bar without express permission from any member of the Bar Sub-Committee or any appointed key holder present at the time.
      • Intoxicating beverages shall not be sold to persons other than Members, official Guests and Visitors.
      • The Bar shall be opened from time to time for the use of Members during such hours as the Management Committee shall determine. Intoxicating beverages shall only be sold during regulated hours of opening in accordance with the Licensing Regulations. The Management Committee shall post a notice in the Clubhouse stating the permitted hours for the sale of intoxicating beverages. Bar opening hours may be varied from time to time without notice to Members.

      Loss of Properly and Injury

      Members or Visitors leaving unattended vehicles, equipment, clothing or any other property at the Club do so at their own risk and neither the Club, the Management Committee, the Officers nor the Trustees shall be responsible for any loss, damage or deficiency resulting from this or any other cause. Members or any other persons using the Club’s premises, or otherwise participating or representing the Club in any way, do so of their own free will and at their own risk, and neither the Club, the Management Committee, the Officers nor the Trustees shall be responsible for any impairment, injury or loss suffered by such persons no matter how caused.

      General Meeting

      1. A General Meeting shall be held each calendar year and shall be convened prior to commencement of the next playing year on 1st April.
      2. The Management Committee shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) in accordance with Rule 4. In addition, Members shall elect at least one Auditor who is not a Member of the Management Committee and shall be responsible for auditing the Club Books, Balance Sheet and Accounts.
      3. The Honorary Treasurer shall present to the Members for their approval at the AGM, the audited Balance Sheet and Accounts for the past year. The Financial Year shall run from 1st January until 31st December.
      4. Only Honorary Life and Members aged 18 or over, shall be allowed to vote at a General Meeting. The attendance of fifteen voting Members shall be required to form a quorum.
      5. The Honorary Secretary shall send to every voting Member at least seven days’ notice of any General Meeting, together with a copy of the Agenda.
      6. The Management Committee shall instruct the Honorary Secretary to call an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) either at their discretion, or within twenty-one days of receipt by the Honorary Secretary of a requisition, signed by fifteen voting Members and stating the business proposed to be transacted. Notice of an EGM shall be required in accordance with Rule 10e above. The business of an EGM shall be in accordance with the requisition under which it was summoned and the issued Agenda.
      7. The Management Committee shall determine the business and Agenda for the AGM.
      8. Every Member shall be entitled to be present and to speak at any General Meeting. The right to vote shall be in accordance with Rule 10d. In the event of an equality of votes, the Chairman shall exercise a second (casting) vote. In the absence of the Chairman from any General Meeting, the Chairman shall nominate or alternatively the Management Committee shall elect another Officer to fulfil the role of Chair of the meeting, and to exercise a casting vote in the event of equality of votes, for the duration of the Chairman’s absence.

      Alteration and Revision of the Rules

      The Rules shall not be altered, rescinded, revised or augmented without the express consent of the majority voting at the AGM and such meeting shall be subject to the requirement to give notice of the proposals all as detailed above. Any notified proposal of a change to the Rules may be amended at the AGM, without further notice, by way of a two-thirds majority of those voting Members in attendance.


      The Club shall be dissolved on the passing of a resolution to that effect at a General Meeting after due notice, by at least two-thirds of those present and voting. Such a meeting shall appoint a committee, of which the Trustees shall be members ex officio, to wind up the affairs of the Club and shall give general directions as to the disposal of any assets, within the scope of Rule 2.

      Rules and Byelaws

      A copy of these Rules together with a copy of the current Byelaws made by the Management Committee in accordance with these Rules, shall be prominently displayed at all times on the Club notice board and website and all Members shall be deemed conversant therewith. The Rules shall not be altered except as provided above and the Byelaws shall be made and periodically revised by the Management Committee as appropriate.


      1. The Management Committee shall appoint Trustees, to hold office until death or resignation unless removed from office by a resolution of the Management Committee or by a resolution duly passed at a General Meeting. The Chairman from time to time is nominated as the person to appoint new Trustees within the meaning of Section 36 of the Trustee Act 1925. A new Trustee or new Trustees shall be nominated by resolution of the Management Committee and the Chairman shall by deed duly appoint the person or persons so nominated as the new Trustee or new Trustees of the Club. The provisions of the Trustee Act 1925 shall apply to any such appointment. Any statement of fact in any such deed of appointment shall in favour of a person dealing with the Club or the Management Committee in good faith be conclusive evidence of the fact so stated.
      2. The number of Trustees shall not be more than four or less than two.
      3. All property of the Club including land and investments, shall be held by the Trustees for the time being, in their own names so far as necessary and practicable, for the use and benefit of the Club. On the death, resignation or removal from office of a Trustee the Management Committee shall take steps to appoint a new replacement Trustee; and shall as soon as practicable thereafter take lawful and practicable steps to procure the vesting of all Club property into names of the Trustees as constituted after said appointment. The Trustees shall in all respects act, in regard to any property of the Club held by them, in accordance with the directions of the Management Committee; and shall have the power to sell, lease, mortgage or pledge any Club property for the purpose of raising or borrowing money for the benefit of the Club in compliance with the Management Committee’s directions.
      4. Acting always in compliance with directions from the Management Committee, the Trustees may borrow a maximum total amount of one hundred and fifty thousand pounds on behalf of the Club and for the purposes of the Club from time to time and with the sanction of a General Meeting the Trustees may borrow any further money above that sum.
      5. When so borrowing the Trustees shall have the power to raise in any way any sum of money, and to raise and secure the repayment of any sum of money in such manner and on such terms and conditions they think beneficial to the Club, and in particular by mortgage of, or charge upon, or by the issue of debentures charged upon all or any part of the property of the Club.
      6. The Trustees shall be entitled to receive from the Honorary Secretary copies of the minutes of Management Committee meetings. The Trustees may, at the invitation of the Chairman, attend any meeting of the Management Committee where they shall have a right to speak but not vote, unless they are otherwise Members of the Management Committee. The Trustees shall have a right to attend any General Meeting and speak but not vote, unless they are otherwise qualified to vote as Members of the Club in accordance with Rule 10d.


      1. The Club shall indemnify Officers of the Club, Trustees, Management Committee members and Appointed Persons against personal liability incurred whilst acting in good faith within the capacity of their appointment on behalf of all Members of the Club.An Appointed Person is defined as a Member who has been appointed by either, a resolution of the Management Committee, or by a resolution of a General Meeting, or by written appointment signed by the Chairman to undertake a specified task on behalf of all Members of the Club.
      Rule 15 shall apply only to persons identified in clause 15a when acting as volunteers on behalf of the Club.

      We hereby certify that the above Rules, numbered 1 to 15, were amended and approved by resolution of the General Meeting convened on 5 March 2023.